Biconical caps are ejection terminals suitable for both industry and civil ventilation.
The air is expelled vertically upwards. This avoids polluting the air near the hat and dirtying the surface of the roof near the hat.
These expulsion caps are so effi cient that a suction of clean air can be mounted without problems in the immediate vicinity.
Normally they are made of galvanized sheet metal, but on order, they can be supplied in other materials: stainless steel, aluminum, plasticized sheet metal in different colors.
On the top there is a 1/2 ”anti-bird net. An inverted cone is provided inside to collect snow and rainwater, which are expelled through a special tube.
Up to Ø 355 they are mounted directly onto the pipe, while for larger Øs the flange connection is provided.
All sizes can be supplied to order with the preferred connection.